第1章 総 則
第 1 条
1,本約款は株式会社ハブネットの「国際宅配便サービス」(Hubnet EXPRESS)に適用されるものとします。
(定 義)
第 2 条
3.「会社」とは、「国際宅配便サービス」(Hubnet EXPRESS)を提供する株式会社ハブネット及びその指定代理店・関連会社をいいます。
第2章 運送の引き受け
第 3 条
第 4 条
第 5 条
第 6 条
第 7 条
第 8 条
第 9 条
第3章 貨物の引渡し
第4章 責 任
(責 任)
(9)法令又は公権力の発動による運送の差し止め、貨物の開梱、 検査、没収、差し押え又は第三者への引き渡し
5.モントリオール第4議定書が適用される貨物の運送の場合の滅失等に関する会社の責任は、損害を受けた貨物の実重量1キログラム当たり 22 SDRを限度とします。
Hubnet EXPRESS International Courier
Terms and Conditions of Carriage
Note: Please be reminded that the Terms and Conditions of Carriage, provided below, is just a translation of the official Terms and Conditions written in Japanese, for the benefit to have our customers to understand the contents in English. Therefore there will be no legal obligations regarding this content.
Chapter 1. General
Article 1 (Application of Conditions)
This Terms and Conditions applies to “Express Courier Service” provided by Hubnet Ltd, dba Hubnet Express.
This “Express Courier Service” is provided by Air Express Company, licensed as Class 2 cargo carrier or Cargo Carriers using this service, handling international cargos. Air Express Company is a company operating air carriage business, defined by Chapter 2, Clause 16 of Civil Aeronautics Act (Act No. 231 of 1952), Class-2 cargo carrier is a company which is defined by Chapter 2, Clause 8 of airfreight forwarder (Act No. 82 of 1989).
Consigners are considered that they have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Carriage and/or other rules and regulations related.
Article 2 (Definitions)
“Express Courier Service” means a door-to-door carriage services from consigner to consignee, inclusive of collection of goods, coordination of carriage and collateral matters at Through Fare.
“Express Courier Cargo” (hereinafter referred to as “Cargo”) means one or number of boxes which is collected from 1 consigner, 1 time, 1 place as 1 unit and delivered to 1 destination, 1 consignee, with 1 MAWB.
“Company” means Hubnet Ltd and the agents, affiliated companies who provide “Express Courier Service”.
“Courier Air Bill” (hereinafter referred to as “CAB”) is a document, which is generated by the consigner or on behalf of the consigner as a proof of contract between consigner and the Company regarding Express Courier Service.
“Consigner” is the Shipper who has signed the contract and wrote their individual or party name on CAB for carriage purpose,
“Consignee” is the Recipient shown on CAB to whom the Company must deliver the Cargo.
“Convention” means one of the following, whichever applicable.
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12th October, 1929 (hereinafter referred to as “Warsaw Convention”)
“Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague in 1955” signed at The Hague on 28th September, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as “amended Warsaw Convention”)
“Warsaw Convention” as amended by Additional Protocol No.1 of Montreal 1975; “Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague” as amended by Additional Protocol No.2 of Montreal 1975 “Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague” as amended by Protocol No.4 of Montreal Sept. 25, 1975 (hereinafter referred to as “Protocol No.4 of Montreal”)
“SDR” means Special Drawing Rights as defined by the International Monetary Fund.
Chapter 2. Collection for Transport
Article 3 (Courier Air Bill)
When Consigner wishes to consign a Cargo to be shipped, CAB should be prepared for every Cargo. Company can generate the CAB on behalf of the Consigner, if requested, but the Consigner is held responsible for whatever written.
Those information necessary to be filled in on the CAB are;
Consigner’s Name, Address, Telephone Number
Consignee’s Name, Address, Telephone Number
Consigner’s Signature, Date
Company’s Consignee Signature, Date, Time
Declared Value
Quantity/ Weight
Anything else that Company requires.
Article 4 (Invoice)
If custom clearance required for the goods sent, the Consigner should provide an invoice to the Company. Accordingly to the goods sent, the invoice should be issued for every unit of the Cargo.
Article 5 (Inspection of Cargo)
Company may open and examine the cargo if the Company is in any doubt about the description of the goods or any special note of caution in transport arise the necessity to open them to confirm the contents. However, please note that this does not assure that the Cargo does not violate the laws of the place of origin, stopover nor destination.
Article 6 (Packing)
The responsibility for packing lies with the Consigner, so the goods should be packed in the suitable manner to match the carriage method. If the Company finds insufficiency of the packing, Company will inform the Consigner for repacking or the Company will repack at the Consigners cost.
Article 7 (Refusal of Acceptance)
The Company may refuse accepting the goods for carriage.
Requested carriage does not comply with this Terms and Conditions
Packing is not suitable for carriage.
Consigner is seeking for a special burden for carriage.
Article 8 (Restrictions of Acceptance)
Company will not accept those goods, listed below.
If the goods fit the description below, the Company will refuse to handle the Cargo.
Gold, Silver, Platinum and other noble metal, precious and semiprecious stones, currencies (notes and coins), jewelry and other valuables.
Securities (stock certificates), unless insured with documented special agreements.
Letters and those that falls into the category “SHINSHO” in Japan.
Live animals and plants.
Dead bodies and human remains.
Easily decayed, transformed items.
Firearms and gunpowder.
Explosives and fireworks.
Compressed gases.
Flammable liquid and solids, combustible solids.
Photographic flashbulbs.
Magnetic substances.
Acids and other saprogenic substance, all base and acid, oxidizing substances.
Poisonous substances.
Vaporization substances.
Anything defined as “dangerous goods”. (refer to the Dangerous Goods Regulations ICAO and IATA)
Statutory prohibited items.
Those goods which carriage, export and import is prohibited or restricted by the countries, states, local government law and regulation including stopover.
Whatever Company finds it inappropriate.
Article 9 (Carriage Rate)
The rate is to be Through Fare (as defined in Article 2 Item 1) and the details will be based on the table of charges determined at head office. The Through Fare includes fees for collection and delivery, custom clearance, carriage, handling charges etc.
Through Fare does not include, duty, consumption tax, VAT, deposit, fine, levy, surcharge, handling charge nor burden charges. In case the Company pays any of these charges, the Consignee should reimburse the amount to the Company, immediately.
When the Consigner has signed the Carriage Insurance Agreement, Insurance fee will be collected together with the Through Fare.
When the Consigner or Consignee had requested and the Company has provided the extraordinary procedures, labor etc., the Company will collect the fee and burden charges fee will be collected from the clients.
In case the Consignee fails to pay the fees and charges to be borne, the Consigner has the responsibility to pay on behalf.
Table of charges are subject to change accordingly to the revisions of airfares, surcharges, economical fluctuations etc.
Article 10 (Collection of Fares and Charges)
In principle, fares and charges will be collected at the time of acceptance of carriage. We may accept COD, as exceptional case, provided that the Consigner bears full responsibility to pay fares and charges or whatever required to be paid, when the Consignee failed to do so.
Article 11 (Carriage Route and Method)
The Company will be entrusted and bears the responsibility to take the best route and method for handling, storage, means of custom clearance and carriage as well as route and procedures.
Chapter 3 Delivery of Cargo
Article 12 (Delivery of Cargo)
The Company will deliver the Cargo to the Consignee at the address indicated on the CAB. In the event that the Consignee indicated on the CAB is not present or when it is not possible to deliver directly to the Consignee, the Company has the right to deliver the Cargo to an agent or alike (Cargo Receiving Counter, Manager, Family, Roommate, Neighbor, Colleague of the Consignee etc. who can receive the Cargo on behalf) instead of the Consignee, unless there is a special agreement.
Article 13 (Measures when the Cargo can not be delivered to the Consignee)
The Company will inform the Consigner immediately to request for instruction within adequate time, in case the Cargo can not be delivered for reasons such as the Consignee does not reside at the address indicated, fail or refuse to receive, or for other reasons.
All the cost for the required actions taken, based on the instruction given from the Consigner, will be fully charged to the Consigner.
Article 14 (Disposal of the Undeliverable Cargo)
Under the abovementioned circumstances, after storage of the Cargo for 30 days from the date when request for instruction was sent to the Consigner, the Company may take actions for the undeliverable Cargo, such as to sell or by other means to dispose the Cargo under the regulations of the destination country. When the Cargo contains anything that has fear of quick deterioration or transformation, the Company has the right to sell or dispose before the end of the 30 days storage.
In the event that the Company had to take immediate action before the 30 days, the Company will inform the Consigner regarding the incident, without delay.
In the event of the sales of the Cargo, the Company will return or charge the amount difference between the sold amount and the total amount necessary to execute this action such as fees, expenses and surpluses etc., to the Consigner.
Article 15 (Exercise of Carrier’s Lien)
For collection of all the expenses such as carriage fare, charges, advances and all other fees arising based on this Terms & Conditions, the Company bears the right to exercise Carrier’s Lien, hence may refuse to hand over such Cargo until full payment is done.
The Company may refuse to hand over the Cargo, which is in Company’s possession, unless full payment of all the expenses arising upon signing this Terms & Conditions had been done.
Chapter 4 Responsibility
Article 16 (Responsibility)
The Company’s responsibility is as listed below unless the responsibilities are stated in regulations and/or other applicable law, and are heavier than what the Company has listed.
Unless mentioned below in Item 3, the Company is liable for loss and/or damage (hereinafter referred to as “Damage etc.”) or delay in arrival of any Cargo, arising out of or related with the carriage of the Cargo or other service performed, upon condition that the occurrence which caused the Damage etc. and/or delay took place during carriage. However, Damage etc. and delay matches any of the following, or the unintentional and non-negligence had been proven, the Company will not be liable.
Inherent defect of the Cargo, natural wear and tear.
Inappropriate packing, incomplete or flaw indication of necessary information on the CAB such as address.
Ignition of fire, explosion, humidification, mold (fungus), decomposition, discoloration, oxidization and/or similar to these phenomena, due to the characteristics of the Cargo.
Failure due to the influence of the X-ray, radioactive ray, magnetism etc.
Strikes, labor slowdowns, riots, hijacks, terrorisms, robberies, incidents, war and acts similar to war.
Inevitable force (force majeure), disasters such as fire caused by inevitable force.
Unpredictable abnormal traffic disturbance, navigational risk aversion, rescue, life saving, actions.
Earthquake, Tsunami, high tide, flood, storm, landslide, landfall, other natural disasters.
Suspension of carriage due to imposition of law or administrative authority, unpacking of Cargo, inspection, confiscation, seizure or passed on to the third party.
The Company is liable for loss and/or damage (hereinafter referred to as “Loss etc.” but does not include delay in arrival) of any Cargo, which the Protocol No.4 of Montreal is applicable, arising out of or related with the carriage of the Cargo or other service performed, upon condition that the occurrence which caused the Damage etc. and/or delay took place during carriage. However, Loss etc. resulting from any of the following, the Company will not be liable.
Inherent defect or characteristics, of the Cargo.
Inappropriate packing, done by other than the Company, employee of the Company nor the agent.
The act of war or armed conflict.
Confiscation by law related to import, export and custom clearance, regulation, order or direction from government office.
Unless mentioned in Item 5 below, the Company is liable for the Loss etc., up to a sum of 20 USD per kilogram of the Cargo damaged unless it is proven that the Company, employee of the Company or the agent intentionally or with gross negligence has caused this Loss etc.,
The Company is liable for the Loss etc. of those Cargos, which the Protocol No.4 of Montreal is applicable, up to the sum of 22 SDR per kilogram of the Cargo damaged.
Regardless of Item 4 and 5, Consigner may declare the value of the Cargo on the CAB, provided that Consigner paid the surcharge required at the time of collection of the Cargo. As long as the value of the Cargo is legitimate, the declared value will be the limit of liability.
In either of the case mentioned in Item 4, 5, 6 above, the limitation of liability in value may not exceed the actual value at purchase nor the normal value of the same type and quality. In case both of them are not available, amount liable should not exceed the actual damage portion of the whole of the reasonable value, within the limit.
The Company is liable for the delay of Cargo, up to the freight cost and charges. The Company will make effort to collect accordingly to normal collection and delivery schedule, within the rational range. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the Company assures that the collection and delivery will be on time.
The Company is not liable for any indirect loss other than the loss due to delay. In another words, the Company is liable for only the physical loss directly incurred but will not be liable for the indirect loss. Indirect loss in this case includes loss of expected profit, interest and utility and also chance losses, but not limited to this only.
In the lawsuit, when there is a necessity to pay the loss amount in foreign currency, the valid currency conversion rate on the day of the final oral proceedings will be used. Other than lawsuit case, the valid currency exchange rate on the day the compensation payout amount is confirmed will be used.
Article 17 (Avoidance of Hazard)
The Company may take actions such as terminate carriage, examine, discharge, smash, destroy or detoxify the Cargo anytime, according to the situation, in the event that the Cargo has caused or has possibility to harm people or other goods due to the property, defects etc. of the Cargo. The Consigner of such Cargo is liable for the cost and loss generated for the actions taken.
The Company is not liable for the loss generated.
Article 18 (Claiming Period and Procedure)
When the Cargo is delivered to the Consignee and signed (or seal or stamp) without any claims and no record of accidents on the receipts, it will be considered as evidences that the Cargo has been transported normally.
The Company will not accept Claims for losses for the Cargo from the Consignee, unless the documents are submitted within the time frame as shown below.
When damage to the Cargo, documents to be submitted within 14 days from the receipt of the Cargo.
When delay of the Cargo, documents to be submitted within 21 days from the receipt of the Cargo.
When loss of the Cargo, documents to be submitted within 120 days from the issuance of the CAB.
Article 19 (Time of Limitations)
Any lodgment of the liability against damaged Cargo should be raised within 2 years from the date the Cargo either had been delivered, to be delivered to the Consignee or when carriage was terminated.
The calculation of the period should be based on the law of Consigner’s country.
Article 20 (Jurisdiction of Trials)
The lawsuit against the Company should be filed in the district court where the Company has registration at, the Company’s main office address or where the Company has signed the contract.
The procedures for the lawsuit against the Company should be accordingly to the law of the Consigner’s country.
Article 21(Application of Terms and Conditions and Law)
In the event of dispute arising from any provision in this Terms and Conditions be contrary to treaty, laws, government regulations, orders or requirements such provision shall remain applicable to the extent that it is not in conflict with them. Invalidity of any provision shall not affect any other provisions.